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Written by Yohan Virassamy
Updated over a week ago


This page allows you to create scripts and generate links to share with you client

How to find the scripts?

The scripts section can be found on the instance settings, from the homepage

How to use the scripts?

Create a script

  1. Click on “Add script” or the + button under the list of scripts

  2. Name your script, be aware that the name will be a part of the script link

  3. Edit your script

  4. Save your script, a version of the script will be created. Don’t forget to check “deploy this new version” to define your script as the current version

If you want to edit your scripts, don’t forget to save after et deploy the new version


To verify the script is well integrated by the client you can check, from the original page, the network to see if the script is loaded correctly.

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