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Written by Yohan Virassamy
Updated over a week ago

Retrieve your products data with feeds

With the feeds feature, you can extract data from an account to map your products.

From the home, you can find the feeds on the bottom left menu.

Creating a feed

Creating a feed will generate a source when Dataiads will extract the data following a schedule and filters.

To create a feed, simply click on Create. A pop-up will appear to choose an account.

Schedule a feed

A timer is available to schedule your feed and define a retrieving frequency of your data. The scheduling is using the Cron language to set the frequency. You can use the default schedule with shortcuts or set a custom schedule to add your own frequency. Use the frequency according to the number of product you need to retrieve. For example a short frequency will be useless for a large amount of data to get.

Note: the minimum frequency you can set is 10 minutes.

Filter a feed

Filters can be added to only retrieve products following the rules set by the user

Ex: I want to only retrieve products with a target country from England

  • Click on "Add"

  • Set the field or custom attribute to filter

  • Set the regex pattern

  • Confirm by clicking on Add


A status of your extractions is available on the page.

Feed jobs

Located in another section (Health and alerts > Feed jobs), feed jobs displays the synchronization status between Dataiads and the account.

Transform jobs

Located in another section (Health and alerts > Feed jobs), transform jobs displays the status of your products extracted between each scheduling.

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